800 Salem Woods Dr Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27615
Article: Every Landowner Needs A Forest Management Plan
Every Landowner Needs A Forest Management Plan

A good management plan acts as a road map to take you to where you want to be in regards to your property. Without one, your final destination may not be what you were expecting. In preparing your plan, one of our professional foresters will work with you to develop a customized forest management program to meet your goals. The plan can significantly increase the financial returns from your property. In addition to forest management recommendations, the plan will also address wildlife management, recreation, water quality and soil conservation.

Our goal in writing a plan is to help private landowners grow healthier, more productive forests, while protecting the value of their property. The management plan may include recommendations for reforestation, thinning or harvesting, fertilization, chemical applications and wildlife habitat improvements. It will also address Best Management Practice regulations that need to be implemented during any forest management activity. Our forester will start with a visit to your property to gather basic information. This not a timber cruise, but he does gather similar information including trees species, timber types, age classes, growth rates, soil types and general health of your stands. From this information and with input from you, about your short and long term goals, we will develop the best management plan to fit your situation. A map or aerial photo is included with the plan. The plan is prepared in a form suitable for filing with the county tax office, which will qualify your land for reduced property taxes. Typical property tax savings will often pay for the plan in the first year.

Every timberland owner should have a forest management plan. The knowledge it contains provides the owner with confidence in understanding the current status of the timber, what actions are needed and when they will occur. We can also help you implement any aspect of the forest management plan through the use of our own employees, as well as qualified independent contractors. Give us a call for help with your management plan.

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