800 Salem Woods Dr Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27615

Real Estate for Sale

Goldston, Jr. #3 LLC Tract – Pasquotank County, NC


Outdoorsman’s Paradise! Excellent hunting and fishing on a peninsula surrounded by the Pasquotank River. Deer, bear and wild hogs for big game. Should be some awesome duck hunting and fishing in the river! 1.9 miles of river frontage, 2.7 miles of internal road system, railroad bisects the property with 1.6 miles of RR right of way running through it. Old growth Cypress, Pine and Atlantic White Cedar in some areas. Majority of the land is swamp, but there are high areas where pines were planted following the last timber harvest.

Property Information:
Assessed as: James D Goldston, Jr. #3 LLC
120 Knobb Creek Dr. (approximate street number)
Elizabeth City, NC 27907

Legal Information:
PIN’s: 8924 489112 and 892409068183
Deed: DB 1315, PG 192
MAP: P143-58 & 59 and P143-58-1
Tax Value: $138,100

Directions:Take US Hwy 17 North into Elizabeth City. It becomes Hughes Blvd. From intersection with US Hwy 17 Bus, follow Hughes Blvd north 2.8 miles to a right turn on to Knobbs Creek Dr. This is the first road past the railroad tracks. Entrance to property is a double gate about 0.2 mile on the left. There is a large old billboard at the entrance advertising “Natalie’s Woods”, a secluded development.






$310,000 ($500 / acre)