Pineland Properties LLC Tract – SOLD – Lee County, NC
Large acreage, privacy, well managed timberland, excellent wildlife population and reasonable price will provide the new owner the opportunity to create his dream hunting/timber property. Good interior road system provides access. Approximately 95 acres was harvested in 2017 and currently has natural pine and hardwood regeneration. There are 44+/- acres of thinned pines about 30 years old and 88+/- acres of 13 year old pines that will soon be ready for thinning. Most of the entire tract will or currently supports Loblolly pines.
Property Information:
Assessed as: Pineland Properties LLC
Off Poplar Springs Church Rd.
Sanford, NC 27330
PIN: 968412066300
Deed: DB 1233, PG 721
Tax Value: $663,400
2020 Taxes: $539.22 PUV
Access: Prescriptive easement for access, internal road system. Adjoining owner has historically cooperated with timber and hunting access.
Currently leased for hunting at $1,800 per year.
From US Hwy 1 south and Deep River Rd intersection, take Deep River Rd east to first right on Lower Moncure Rd. Travel 0.8 mi to first left on Lower River Rd. Travel 5.2 mi to right on Gunter Rd. then 0.9 mi to right on Poplar Springs Church Rd. Travel 1.3 miles to entrance on left. Approximate address is 5631 Poplar Springs Church Rd. Look for sign. There will be pink-glo flagging and yellow metal gate at the road entrance leading to the property.
Showings by appointment only. A geo-referenced map is available to help with viewing the property.
$575,000 ($2,427/ acre)